The FMCC Breakfast Talk Rendez-Vous
Macau Business

Esports a revenue boost for hospitality sector — industry promoter
An industry insider has highlighted the significant revenue-generating potential for Macau’s hospitality sector due to growing interest in e-sports among the younger generation in mainland China.
Speaking at a France Macau Chamber of Commerce breakfast session on Wednesday, Andrew Pearson, vice president of the Macau Grow uP eSports Association, outlined the promising prospects of competitive gaming...
The Macao News

Could Macao become a global e-sports hub?
Macao is well-positioned to emerge as a premier e-sports destination, says Andrew Pearson, managing director of Intelligencia Limited, an analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) consultancy group based in the SAR.
Speaking at a France Macau Chamber of Commerce (FMCC) breakfast event on Wednesday, Pearson, who is also vice president of the Macau Grow Up eSports Association, was bullish on the city’s potential to leverage its role as a cultural gateway between global hemispheres and support China’s booming e-sports industry, which boasts 490 million players....

Esports constitui oportunidade para Macau aumentar e diversificar sector turístico, defende Andrew Pearson
A área dos desportos electrónicos, mais conhecidos como esports, constitui uma grande oportunidade para Macau aumentar e diversificar o sector turístico. A ideia é defendida por Andrew Pearson, fundador e director da companhia Intelligencia Limited, na área da inteligência artificial. Ouça a declaração de Andrew Pearson à Rádio Macau à margem de um evento organizado pela Câmara de Comércio Francesa.
TDM News Interview